Our digestive system may benefit from both Prebiotics and Probiotics, but whats' the difference between the two? How do they work? And where do they come from?
Let's dive into the details of these two very important aspects of gut health.
You've probably heard the term "gut microbiome" before but do you know what that means? Or how your lifestyle may affect your unique microbiome?
We take a closer look at the microorganisms living in your body and the role they play in your digestive system - an your overall wellbeing.
Feeling good starts in your gut, but what exactly happens in there during digestion? And how can we help keep our digestive system working smoothly?
Here we outline the three major steps of the digestive process and provide some simple tips that may help maintain a balance in yours.
You know fermented foods can be good for you, but do you know how fermentation works? What’s the difference between fermented foods and foods containing probiotics?
Let’s see what those live cultures are all about and how they can positively impact the foods (and drinks!) we love so much.
You’ve heard the term “pasteurization” and you know this practice is used to make many foods and beverages. But why do we do it here at KeVita?
Check out all there is to love about pasteurization –– and the not-so-lovable things that can happen when you don’t follow this process!
Brewing kombucha this delicious is no one-step process. A lot of work (plus a little live and active love!) goes into each drop of your favorite flavorful drink.
Here, we’ll outline the step-by-step process that makes each bottle of Kevita come out perfect each time.